Created by Magical Gnomes!

TI-86 (and TI-85) Programs
The TI-86 is a type of calculator that allows you to actually graph equations and execute other functions that would be impossible on normal scientific calculators. It is similar to a computer in some respects and for that reason has the capability of running assembly language-based programs. These programs make full use of the Z80 processor chip. Below is a list of programs that I have found useful and/or fun for my graphing calculator. You DO need a graph link cable of some type to transfer these files from your computer to the calculator.TI-86 Programs written by others
Please note that none of these programs were written by myself, and that I am in no way attempting to take credit away from their respective authors. To run them, you can either get AShell Enhanced, or type "Asm(progname)" at the prompt on your calculator.
AShell Enhanced v1.0 (2.88 kB) - The best over-all shell for your TI-86. Allows users to run TI-85 ZShell, USGuard, and TI-82 Ash and crASH programs.
Chem86 (6.44kB) - Excellent program for any student taking a chemistry-related class. Comes with numerous features such as: ability to display information about each element, compute weights of compounds, and the ability to determine types of bonds.
Elements v2.0 (5.70kB) - Awesome Periodic Table of Elements! Shows entire table, allows you to search for an element by name, atomic number, or symbol. A must have for Chem students!
Electron Configuration (2.69kB) - Great for Chem students...displays electron configuration for almost all elements including the noble gasses.
zFactor (6.19kB) - Extremely useful...returns all positive factors of a number.
Extremely useful...returns all positive factors of a number.
Quadratic Solver (1.79kB) - Solve any Quadratic equation! Returns solutions in lowest terms, including imaginary numbers. Great for Algebra I & II!
zReduce (302B) - Reduces the radical under the square root sign. Very useful.
Frogger v1.0 (2.84kB) - Get the frog across the highway and roaring river numerous times and beat a level. Becomes progressively harder as you move on.
PacMan 99 (4.37kB) - PacMan for the TI-86. Greatly improved over 98. High scores are saved, TONS of levels, not to mention the ability to save your game right where you left off! Definitely get this one.
Plain Jump v1.1 (5.01kB) - My personal favorite! Roll the marble across many platforms at high speed. I scored 20,153 points. Care to try and top that? if you do, email me!
Sqrxz v0.9b (???kB) - ***The Absolute BEST Game For Your Graphing Calculator!*** If you're looking for a game, this is it! Just like Mario Brothers, but better! You can also download additional levels to play with!
DuckHunt 86z (3.10kB) - Yes, it is DuckHunt! Just like the one for Nintendo! Very interesting, and somewhat challenging. Gets boring after beating it repeatedly, however.
zTetris v1.1 (3.47kB) - Fun Tetris game for the TI-86. I personally don't like tetris too much, but if I did, this would be the game to have!
Kollums v2.0 (2.25kB) - Another addictive Tetris-like game. I like it more than tetris, actually. Line up three of the same kind of symbol and they dissolve!
Turbo Breakout II (2.68kB) - Use the paddle to bounce the ball into the bricks, destroying them. Even though the ball tends to speed up for no apparent reason, it's fun to play!
Znibbles (2.12kB) - Nibbles for the TI-86. Not as many functions as the one for the TI-85, but it allows you to have more than one life.
Solytare v2.1 (2.19kB) - Solitaire for your TI-86! Yes, that's correct, a fully functional solitaire game with mouse and all! Great graphics, allows you to draw 1 or 3 cards at a time.
Insane Game v2.72 (2.69kB) - Interesting puzzle-like game. Has single player, multi, and action modes. Addictive.
Maze-3D v.4b (6.10kB) - This game is excellent! Never did I once think it possible to make a 3-D rendered maze on a TI-86!
Super Mario Brothers v0.91 (???kB) - Amazing graphics. Grayscale, almost identical to original version for nintendo. Get it!
My TI-86 Programs
Back in the day you typed these in by hand on the calculator. Then again, "back in the day" was high school, and I had a lot of free time back then...
Angle Conversions (304B) - TI-Basic program that converts angle measures from degrees to radians and vice versa.
Annuity Calculation (174B) - Algebra II program for annuity.
Annuity Calculation (Different Equation) (176B) - Same as above, just solves for a different variable.
Area Formulas (2.06kB) - Very useful program. All kinds of area formulas for squares, circles, spheres, everything.
Boyle's Law (393B) - Chemistry program that does Boyle's law calculations.
Charle's Law (391B) - Chemistry program for Charles' Law.
Combined Gas Law (619B) - Chemistry program for the Combined Gas Laws.
Grade Point Average (785B) - Calculates your GPA using Grand Haven Senior High School averages.
Grams to Moles (239B) - TI-Basic program that converts angle measures from degrees to radians and vice versa.
pH Calculation (Hydronium-based) (238B) - Chemistry program that calculates pH based on hydronium ions.
pH Calculation (Hydroxide-based) (238B) - Chemistry program that calculates pH based on hydroxide ions.
Logs (203B) - Change of base theorem for your TI-86.
Mass at STP (330B) - Calculates the mass of a substance at standard conditions.
MIP (443B) - I can't remember what this one is for
Moles to Grams (234B) - Converts moles of a substance into grams of a substance.
Moles to Milliliters (239B) - Converts moles of a substance into milliliters of a substance.
Percent Error (211B) - Calculates percent error for a lab or something.
Thermodynamics Calculations (2.04kB) - Whole bunch of junk for thermodynamic calculations.
Volume at Standard Conditions (625B) - Calculates volume of a substance at STP
Synthetic Division (2nd Degree Polynomial) (674B) - Synthetic Division for a polynomial raised to the 2nd degree.
Synthetic Division (3rd Degree Polynomial) (766B) - Same as above, just raised to the 3rd.
Synthetic Division (4th Degree Polynomial) (856B) - the 4th.
Synthetic Division (5th Degree Polynomial) (959B) - the 5th.
V1M1=V2M2 Formula (542B) - Another Chemistry program for volume and mass calculations.
Nathan's TI-86 Programs
Some programs written by my old best friend, Nathan, at GHHS. I think some of them actually came from the TI manual (or a math book, I'm not sure)
Angel Drawer (352B) - Really handy program that draws an angle on your calculator.
Key Codes (114B) - Push a button and it tells you the numerical equivalent. Good for writing games and stuff.
Parabola Drawer (270B) - Draws random parabolas all over the screen.
Reflections (192B) - Useful program for reflecting a function across the line y=x.
Temperature Conversions (668B) - Extremely useful. Converts between degrees fahrenheit, celsius, and kelvin.
Volume Equations (1.23kB) - Another useful app. Tons of volume equations for spheres, cubes, and a lot more.
Vector Addition (243B) - Simplified program for adding vectors.
Random Darts (262B) - Interesting program utilizing the TI-86's random functions.
Matrix Row Operations (1.03kB) - Simplifies TI-86's method of dealing with matrices.
Sine Wave Illustration (309B) - Shows sine wave along with correlation to the unit circle.
System Solver (374B) - Solves systems in the form of ax+by=c, dx+ey=f.
Summation Program (176B) - Enter upper and lower bounds, it generates a number for you.
Vector Angle (299B) - Program Helps determine the angle between two vectors.
TI-85 Programs
They don't really warrant their own page, so here they are at the bottom of this one...
PacMan 97 (3.51kB) - PacMan for the TI-85. Three Levels of fun. Just like the one for TI-86, except one less level, more lives, and it saves your high score! ASE 1.0 required.
zPong v1.3 (3.92kB) - Pong for the TI-85. You need ASE 1.0!!! Addictive game, fun to play across a link.
JezzBall v2.1 (3.84kB) - JezzBall for the TI-85. Yes, the TI-85. You MUST have AShell Enhanced v1.0 in order to run this program :) Very good game, highly addictive.
Space Invaders (2.48kB) - Really cool game. I play it often. It's very addictive, but difficult to get past the 4th level. Almost identical to the atari version.