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Purdue Graduate School ('11-'12) - Semester VIII
Another significant milestone passed this semester. I am now a Ph.D. candidate, which is a fancy way to say I am "all but dissertation" (ABD) in terms of official university requirements.Prelim - Preliminary Examination
There are three relatively insurmountable hoops that one must jump through in order to obtain a Ph.D. in ECE here at Purdue. First is the qualifying examination (QE). The QE is a grueling "four-hour closed-book exam offered once a year." The goal of this exam is to ensure that one is properly prepared and has the necessary background to even begin serious research in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This research serves as the largest component to a Ph.D., which is primarily a research degree. I passed this exam a while ago (on the first try, even).After passing the QE and completing all necessary coursework, one is required to take the preliminary examination. The prelim is "given to determine whether a student is adequately prepared to conceive and undertake a suitable research topic. [...] During the Preliminary Examination, the student is typically expected to exhibit:
- A clear understanding of the research problem;
- An awareness of pertinent background literature and current efforts in the research area of interest;
- Some initial progress toward solving the research problem; and
- A plan to execute the remainder of the thesis research."
So, the general expectation is that you've made some progress on your research and you are now getting feedback and approval from your graduate committee to complete said research, after which you can try to clear the final and most difficult hoop: writing and defending a dissertation.
As of December 9, 2011 I have cleared all but this final hoop. Make no mistake, however, the first two hoops combined are far less challenging than writing and defending a dissertation. A lot of work remains to be done.