Drive to St. Ignace - July 4, 2007
We spent the entire day today driving to St. Ignace (a city in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan right near the Mackinac Bridge). Along the way we stopped at an amazing Visitors Center that had a great view as well as a very good display regarding global warming - something everyone should have an opportunity to see. Moving on, we stopped at a city on the coast of Lake Superior, then drove onward to Escanaba (on Lake Michigan) and finally to St. Ignace (on Lake Michigan / Lake Huron). We had pasties (pronounced "pass-tees") for dinner. On another pronunciation-related note, "Mackinac" is pronounced "Mack-a-naw" for those of you with the strong desire to make it end with a "k" sound. Finally arriving at St. Ignace we broke tradition and stayed in an incredibly cheap motel, which was in surprisingly good shape. After getting settled we went back to the lakeshore to watch the fireworks, which ended up not being terribly impressive due to fog.